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"In order to take a 'ticket' a pilot has to pass three tests. He first has to fly solo in five figures of eight, this involving right and left-hand turns, and finally stop on landing within fifty yards of a given mark. He then has to ascend and repeat the performance; and finally, rising a third time to a height of over 350 feet, he must switch off his engine and make a volplane or glide to earth. Should all of these tests be passed to the satisfaction of the official witnesses, a form is filled in and sent up to the Royal Aero Club, together with a cheque, and in due course the pupil becomes a certified aviator, qualified to fly at exhibitions and race meetings, and a person of no small importance in his own eyes. But he has yet a long way to go before he graduates as a flying officer of the R.F.C."
The Royal Flying Corps in the War, Wilfred Theodore Blake, 1918
496 Gordon-Bennett, Richard 5
497 Hall, John Herbert 5
498 Hammond, Arthur William 5
499 Harker, Howard Redmayne 5
500 Harris, Arthur Travers 5
501 Harrison, Charles Philip 5
502 Harrop, William 5
503 Hay, Hugh Allport 5
504 Hay, Roger Bolton 5
505 Herring, Robert Samuel 5
506 Hines, George Frederick 5
507 Hodgkinson, William 5
508 Holme, Robert Charles Lyon 5
509 Hughes, David James 5
510 Hunter, Thomas Vicars 5
Royal Flying Corps Recruitment Poster, 1917
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