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"In order to take a 'ticket' a pilot has to pass three tests. He first has to fly solo in five figures of eight, this involving right and left-hand turns, and finally stop on landing within fifty yards of a given mark. He then has to ascend and repeat the performance; and finally, rising a third time to a height of over 350 feet, he must switch off his engine and make a volplane or glide to earth. Should all of these tests be passed to the satisfaction of the official witnesses, a form is filled in and sent up to the Royal Aero Club, together with a cheque, and in due course the pupil becomes a certified aviator, qualified to fly at exhibitions and race meetings, and a person of no small importance in his own eyes. But he has yet a long way to go before he graduates as a flying officer of the R.F.C."
The Royal Flying Corps in the War, Wilfred Theodore Blake, 1918
46 Tempest, Edmund Roger 17
47 Baldwin, Owen Morgan 16
48 Digby-Worsley, Bruce 16
49 Elton, Ernest John 16
50 Foster, Robert Mordaunt 16
51 Grosvenor, Robert Arthur 16
52 Highwood, Sidney William 16
53 Johnson, Frank 16
54 Redgate, Oliver William 16
55 Stewart, David Arthur 16
56 Wall, Anthony Herbert William 16
57 Coombes, Lawrence Percival 15
58 Crowe, Cyril Marconi 15
59 Cudemore, Charles William 15
60 Deighton, Ernest Arthur 15
Royal Flying Corps Recruitment Poster, 1917
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