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Country: France
Established: 8 April 1915
Croix de Guerre
During World War I, the Croix de Guerre was awarded for bravery to military personnel mentioned in dispatches. Recipients of the Légion d'Honneur and Médaille Militaire were automatically entitled to the Croix de Guerre. For subsequent acts of bravery, the recipient was awarded a bronze palm leaf for Army citations, a gold star for Corps citations, a silver star for Division citations or a bronze star for Brigade and Regimental citations:

Régiment and Brigade citations étoile de bronze
Division citations étoile d'argent
Corps citations étoile de vermeil
Armée citations palme de bronze

1 palme d'argent equals = 5 palmes de bronze
Recipients - World War I Aces
121 Gastin, Paul Adrien
122 Gerard, Jacques
123 Gerrard, Thomas Francis Netterville
124 Gibbs, Gerald Ernest
21 Sep 1918*
125 Gilbert, Eugene
126 Gillespie, William John
23 Aug 1919*
127 Glen, James Alpheus
20 Jul 1917*
128 Goble, Stanley James
28 Feb 1922*
129 Gond, Maurice Roch
130 Goodison, Henry Arthur Frank
07 Feb 1919*
* Gazetted
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