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"A great deal of an aeroplane could be holed without affecting its ability to fly. Wings and fuselage could be—and often were—pierced in 50 places, missing the occupants by inches (blissfully unaware of how close it had come until they returned to base). Then the sailmaker would carefully cover each hole with a square inch of Irish linen frayed at the edges and with a brushful of dope make our aircraft 'serviceable' again within an hour." Lewis, Cecil. Farewell to Wings. London: Temple Press Books, 1964.
Serial # Aircraft   Unit Pilots/Observers
2085/18 Zeppelin-Lindau D.I JG I Wilhelm Reinhard
2194/17 Albatros D.V JG II Adolf von Tutschek
2469/18 Fokker D.VII JG II Kurt Wuesthoff (Wüsthoff)
185/17 Fokker DR.I JG II Ltn Myller
404/17 Fokker DR.I JG II Adolf von Tutschek
4500/18 Fokker D.VII JG IV Eduard Ritter von Schleich
4535/15 Rumpler C.I Kampfgeschwader IV, Staffel 20
D.1724/16 Albatros D.II Kasta 11 Karl Emil Schaefer (Schäfer)
7588 SPAD XIII KIA Wilbert Wallace White
E2163 Bristol F.2b L Flight 2Lt CA Harrison
  Bristol F.2b L Flight Lt J A Parkinson
E2521 Bristol F.2b L Flt Lt G L Barritt
  Bristol F.2b L Flt 2Lt RHG Boys
N1615 Nieuport 21 Lafayette Escadrille Gervais Raoul Lufbery
6364 F.E.2b Lympne 2Lt R Collis
1150 | 1151 | 1152 | 1153 | 1154 | 1155 | 1156 | 1157 | 1158 | 1159 | 1160 | 1161 | 1162 | 1163 | 1164
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